Access Keys:

Annaduff National School, Aghamore, Carrick On Shannon, Co Leitrim

Vision Statement

Vision and Aims

Annaduff National School is a rural school with a catholic ethos. We will endeavour to
provide a happy safe environment that is structured and disciplined whilst being friendly and
encouraging, where everyone is valued and respected.

Our hope would be that when the children leave the school, we will have fostered in them the
following qualities;

  • Academic achievement – to the best of their ability.
  • Good self-esteem, confidence and independence.
  • Responsibility, trustworthiness and reliability.
  • Compassion and spirituality.
  • Courtesy, etiquette and respect
  • Willingness to embrace change.
  • Enthusiasm, optimism and positive thinking
  • A sense of humour.
  • An interest in sport and other recreational pursuits.
  • Cothaigh grá don Ghaeilge ár dteanga dhúchais

In order to achieve our vision, we have drawn up the following aims:

  • To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to engage with education to the best of their ability.
  • To create a happy atmosphere where the child can enjoy school while developing spiritually, morally, socially, intellectually, emotionally and physically.
  • To help the child to become motivated to integrate with peers, work as part of a team, be tolerant and have a respect for friendship
  • To develop good conscience, Christian values, fairness and a sense of right and wrong.
  • To value each child as an individual and to develop a sense of his/her own worth
    through developing self-confidence, self-expression and the ability to relate to peers and adults.
  • To develop expressive, creative and artistic abilities to the child’s full capacity
  • To foster a spirit of self-reliance, innovation and imagination
  • To foster in pupils a global awareness and a sense of responsibility for the long-term care of the environment
  • To promote physical and emotional health and well-being
  • To foster an interest in sport and other forms of recreation.
  • To create tolerant, caring politically aware members of society
  • To respect the right of the parents as the primary educators of their children and to establish a good working relationship with them

Mission Statement

Annaduff National School is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, oral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.

While Annaduff National School is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition for all other religions.

Annaduff National School will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.

Annaduff National School will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts.

Annaduff National School will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible.

Annaduff National School will promote gender equity amongst the teachers and pupils.

Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt